22 July 2010

Learn to live on with life

Today might be the saddest day of my life. Have been trying my best to fight for my rights as well as my happiness for the past week but realise that there is nothing more to be done to turn the situation over.

Have actually decide on H Hotel since last week though there is some issues earlier bout the function room being not available. But based on past experience as a hotelier, i manage to solve the issues & got hold on the function room.

Everything was going fine accordingly to my plan until someone plan to visit PR Hotel due to some discount given by the hotel to their staff.

Dun really like the decor of the hotel during my 1st visit. Despite the fact that there are several pillars in the function room which few tables behind will be blocked, gd comments was given for this hotel.

Nothing was being taken into consideration despite the fact that i have express my disinterest to the hotel to the groom.

What makes me more angry is that deposit was paid to the hotel even before i knew about it. Am i the bride or i am someone attending this wedding?

isn't both the couple suppose to like the place before deciding on whether to take the venue? There is nothing i can do now, so i decide to drop all my plans for the wedding. Fully agree on what my working partner wrote in his blog.

快乐也是一天, 不快乐也是一天. 那么我们何不快快乐乐去过每一天? 结婚和离婚都是一线之间, 合作和翻脸也是一线之间. 今天的种种因数, 可能是未来的预知, 也可能是之前所结的因. 两个人, 如果要开心, 就要学会忍耐, 而不是设计对方.

人生会有几个十年? 可能明天就是结果, 终结必需要的结果. 我只能说人生莫测, 人生百态, 那么何必为不开心的事, 不开心的人, 而让自己伤心呢? 所谓人不为己, 天诛地灭. 宁愿我负天下人, 也不愿天下人负我!

Hope tomorrow will be a better day.